Professional equipment for physiotherapy
Payback period of 3-4 months
1 year warranty
Online courses
In-house production
Hydromassage bathtub
1 год гарантии
Online курсы
Свое производство
Bath Overview
Aqua-Trio and Aqua-Duet

what effect will you a chieve
The baths are designed for underwater shower massage and vacuum massage procedures. The shape of the attachment for vacuum massage has a patent from Grand Cryo company.
Hydromassage in "live water" is carried out with atomic hydrogen, which is 4000 times more effective than molecular hydrogen. Mutant cells stop forming, and the DNA spiral replicates again in a healthy, "pristine" form.
This procedure is the key to preserving youth, health, and longevity.
Watch a video review of the hydro massage bath
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
Chronic colds and viral diseases.
Internal organ diseases.
Chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic stress.
Headaches and migraines.
Gastrointestinal tract diseases, ENT diseases.
Insomnia, cellulite, excess weight, edema.
Who use the equipment
Clinics and medical centers
Our equipment will attract new customers and expand the list of services
And you will also get a competitive advantage due to the uniqueness of the offer.

Sports clubs and fitness
Another plus for the client is to get a subscription from you. You can sell the services either separately or include them in the subscription.
All of our equipment is suitable for self-use at home. After purchase, you will have access to video lessons in your personal account, and you will be able to enjoy the procedures with your whole family!
For personal use
Sports teams
Boost the immunity and endurance of your athletes! Daily wellness procedures allow you to speed up recovery after injuries.
Resort and wellness complexes
Innovative technologies in medicine are in particular demand among visitors, unique procedures will attract a large number of new customers. The equipment is easy to use and does not require frequent maintenance.
Pleasant and rejuvenating procedures will attract visitors' attention to your facility.
Even more new clients will seek you out for new sensations and results.
SPA complexes
The procedure is performed according to a medical protocol for each joint and muscle group

The bath comes in three configurations
The shape of the attachment for vacuum massage has a patent from Grand Cryo company

Hydro-Vacuum Technology
Generation of "Live Water" with a high ORP level
Гидромассаж в «живой воде» проводится с атомарным водородом, который в 4000 раз эффективнее молекулярного. Мутантные клетки перестают формироваться, и спираль ДНК снова реплицируется в здоровом, «первозданном» виде. Эта процедура — залог сохранения молодости, здоровья и долголетия.

Ванна предназначена для оказания услуг гидромассажа, т.е. воздействия водной струей различной формы и силы, направляемой под водой с помощью рабочего шланга со специальными насадками (подводный душ-массаж (ПДМ), подводный вакуумный массаж (ПВМ).
Hydromassage bathtubs
without an attachment
for children
with an attachment
Choose the one that is right for you
we will make the hydromassage bathtub according to the RAL color range
Hydromassage bathtub
Supply composition
Size and weight
Noise level
Deviation of built-in thermometer readings from actual water temperature ±2 °C
Hand shower head - 2 pcs
Hand shower hose - 2 pcs
Hydro hose (jet) - 1 pc
Hydro hose (vacuum) - 1 pc
Hand drain stopper - 1 pc
Transition sleeve 50 x 32 mm - 1 pc
90° drainage elbow with a diameter of 50 mm - 9 pcs
50 mm drainage tee - 2 pcs
Bath support - 4 pcs
Electric drain valve - 1 pc
Bath cover - 1 pc

Dimensions of the bathtub (internal), mm - 2000 x 800 x 600
Total volume - 655±5% L
Usable volume - 575±5% L
Drain hole diameter - 50 mm
Weight of Aqua-Duet bathtub, kg - not more than 150
Weight of Aqua-Trio bathtub (with attachment), kg - not more than 230
Noise level not exceeding 60 dBA
Nominal voltage 187-242 V
Flash card with instructions, passport, manual - 1 pc
Online training course
Устройство для обеспечения подачи жидкого азота
Комплект насадок позволяет работать как точечно, так и по всему телу..
Исключает риск гипоксии, обеспечивает вербальный и визуальный контакт пациента и оператора, исключает риск переохлаждения ВДП.
Сосуд Дьюара
Не является сосудом под давлением, вес 20 кг, объем 35 литров, вес с жидким азотом 50 кг. Диаметр 500 мм, высота 850 мм. Укомплектовывается специальной тележкой..
Recommended technical requirements
area from 13 m2
power supply up to 2.2 kW
door width from 80 cm
hot and cold water supply pipe diameter from 3/4 (20 mm)
sewage diameter from 50 mm
up to 50% allowable humidity at 25°C in the room
Online and offline training after equipment purchase
We have developed an online course for our customers
After purchasing the equipment, you will have access to detailed video tutorials. With their help, you can refresh your knowledge
or train a new employee at any time
Initial training for you and your staff
We will provide you with initial training right after delivery. Preparation and further setup will be conducted by a certified technician. After completing the training, you will be able to independently perform the procedures and also watch our video tutorials in your personal account.
Service support
"GRAND-CRYO" company has all the necessary material and technical base and highly qualified specialists for the prompt implementation of service works and technical support. By collaborating with us, you will receive excellent service support, excellent quality of services, and the possibility of contractual post-warranty maintenance.

We deliver worldwide
We deliver to anywhere in the world
the cost is discussed individually
Vladimir Shuppo
he engineer and developer of modern medical technologies, who has been investing in the development of preventive medicine in Russia since 2008, actively introducing advanced technologies to strengthen mental, energy, and physical health.

In 2023, Vladimir plans to complete the construction of the new five-star ski resort ALTAY RESTART in Belokurikha Gorny with a wide range of innovative health improvement programs.
Founder of companies
Гидромассажная ванна
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Companies that use our equipment
tel. 8 (800) 500-41-79

Address: Moscow, 4a Fadeev str.-Cryo cliniq clinical base
Website Clinic

Licenses and documents

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by the company